
A Long Road to Success

We came to the States with three suitcases, none of which was filled with money. Coming out of the global financial crisis, we had to pay back all of our business & personal loans, and the leftovers of our savings were not impressive. In the US prices of


Your Name Is Essential

– Your name is essential. Please, do not let people mispronounce it. Teach everybody how to pronounce your name correctly. Your parents gave you your name for a reason. It meant something to them. It means something to you. It should be meaningful for those around you. Do


EDUCATION – Update Your Navigation Maps

Maps show the way. How to get to the destination safely. How to avoid dangerous spots. How to save time. If maps are outdated, they represent a fictional landscape, and the reality will hit sooner or later. Updating maps should be a top priority for all who want


Lifelong Learning

During WWII, my grandfather led bombardier squadrons. He started at the very beginning of the war and stayed the course till the Nazis were completely defeated. After the war was over, he served in the military for about 15 more years until his retirement as colonel of aviation.


Time Machine for Success

The room is full of people in need of hope. All of us have just experienced some kind of loss. For most, it was a job loss. For my husband & me, it was a loss of almost everything. What a blessing it is to have a place


Personal Brand: Arrange Your Cockpit

Each ship, no matter the size, needs a captain: the one who knows where the ship is heading & why, who leads the way & who is responsible for the ship. The captain is the one to blame if things go really wrong. Like in the case of


Who Am I?

Before everything collapsed in 2014, we could consider ourselves pretty successful people. We were married for 13 years. Almost all of our close family lived in the same city as us. We had been members of the same church since our wedding day & it was my church



A strong smell of fried fish wakes me up at 6 am. One-of-a-kind alarm. Our host loves to cook. She cooks for her family, for her friends, for her church. They love her cooking & she can’t wait to start. She is an early riser, no matter that


Motivation: Start Your Engine

With my physical shape as is, I can swim across a 25-meter swimming pool, no problem. For swimming across a small river or lake, I’d choose a paddle boat. To go out on a larger lake or a bay, I would definitely need a boat or a yacht


American Dream

We never dreamed about immigrating to America. We did not plan to immigrate. We did not want to immigrate. In 2009, we came to America for the first time in our lives. We spent two months here, visited more than ten states, saw lots of touristic places &