Nadiia Bagin

sharing my story & inspiring yours

sharing my story & inspiring yours

Communication is a vital component of our lives, acting as the signal system for our ship. It’s how we interact with the world around us. To ensure effective communication, we need to be precise and clear so that others can understand us better.

One of the most important aspects of communication is active listening. Active listening is a powerful tool that can significantly improve our communication skills. But what exactly is active listening, and how can it be helpful in our communication?

Active listening is more than just hearing the words that are being said. It involves fully focusing on the speaker, understanding their message, responding thoughtfully, and then remembering the information. Studies show that when we engage in conversations, we remember only 25% to 50% of what is said. Active listening can help us retain more than 50% of the information, making our interactions more productive and meaningful.

Active listening requires effort. It’s easy to get distracted, daydream, or let our thoughts wander during a conversation. However, active listening involves consciously focusing on the speaker and showing that you are paying attention. This can be done by maintaining eye contact, nodding, and providing verbal affirmations like “uh-huh” or “I see.”

Another crucial aspect of active listening is giving feedback. This can be done by paraphrasing what the speaker has said to ensure you’ve understood correctly. For example, you could say, “This is what I hear you saying. Is that what you mean?” You can also ask questions to gain a deeper understanding of the topic. For instance, “Can you tell me more about that?” or “How do you feel about this?”

It’s also important not to interrupt the speaker. Interruptions can disrupt the flow of conversation and may cause the speaker to lose their train of thought. If you have a comment or question, wait for an appropriate pause to interject.

Lastly, always respond with respect. Even if you disagree with what the speaker is saying, it’s essential to express your thoughts politely and considerately. Remember, active listening is about respect and understanding.

Active listening is a skill that can be developed with practice. It can deepen our relationships, improve our understanding of others, and enhance our overall communication skills. So the next time you’re in a conversation, try to actively listen. You might be surprised at how much more you understand and remember.

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