Nadiia Bagin

sharing my story & inspiring yours

sharing my story & inspiring yours

The room is full of people in need of hope. All of us have just experienced some kind of loss. For most, it was a job loss. For my husband & me, it was a loss of almost everything. What a blessing it is to have a place where all of us can come each Monday at 9:00 am as though it is a job, and in a sense, it is.

The task at hand sounds easy, but in reality, it is rather hard. Some look focused, while others are confused. Write & share four success stories. Success? Does such a word even exist, and if it does, how does it relate to me? After an almost endless line of losses, past successes seem more like fairy-tales. Good old fairy-tales.

Nevertheless, time is ticking & I have to, I just have to come up with four stories of my success. Even if they sound like they have happened not with me & not in this world, I still have to put them on paper. Let’s do it! Here is the first one about an orphan boy whom I helped to transform from a thief into a hero in a blink of an eye. Wow, it does sound like a fairy-tale!

The second one comes out much easier: me sharing one of my pieces of creative fiction from the stage & getting an outstanding response from the audience. The third one & the fourth – here they come! Suddenly, it is not hard to believe at all that I indeed was once successful, meaning that I will be successful again. It’s just a matter of time.

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