
Keep Calm & Bike On

My learning to bike ended somewhere in middle school, with me falling into a dusty ditch after a failed attempt to turn in order to avoid riding straight into a group of strangers who ignored my plea to step aside. After that, there was no biking for me


Focusing on Success

I love photography! I took a ton of courses & I know how to take beautiful pictures. Even more so, I know how to make a beautiful picture from an average one using all kinds of Photoshop tricks. My photos look great! Sometimes even better than the actual

Sailing or Harboring

Sailing or Harboring

An influential Italian philosopher Thomas Aquinas once said: «If the highest aim of the captain were to preserve his ship, he would leave it in port forever.» So, is it sailing or harboring we are striving for? It depends. Usually, it’s a little bit of both. They say


The 1st 4th

The 4th of July is big in America! Parades, music, aerial shows & lots of fireworks! We fly across this beautiful country to California, where my husband has many relatives, including his grandpa. They invited us & they are waiting for us. We hope they do. It’s our

Enjoying Safe Harbors

Motivation: Enjoying Safe Harbors

We struggled, we fought, we persevered, and we finally reached our safe harbor. The water around us is calm & warm & sparkling. The view of the shore calms our eyesight, tired of jumping up & down with our ship tossed by rough ocean waters. The deck feels

7-Ft English Club meet up

7-Ft English Club Meet Up

On June 20th, we had a wonderful time celebrating the end of our 3rd 7-week cycle & our first in person meeting of the Sacramento Chapter! Check out this video to see how how it was:

My Name is Nadiia

Nadiia Sets Sail

My name is Nadiia which in Ukrainian means Hope. If I ever own a yacht, that’s gonna be its name because sometimes Hope is everything that we’ve got & everything that we need. I am a resilient immigrant who keeps navigating the rough waters of radical changes day


Remember: Good Always Wins!

For the third time this year, I am in my happiest place on Earth. In any other year, I would consider it a very special treat, but not this year. This year is different. It’s like I find myself in the middle of a movie that I would


COMMUNITY – Spin Your Propellers

Now that we have equipped our cruise ship with a powerful engine, arranged our captain’s cockpit, got the newest navigation maps, refined our carcass with the best materials, fine-tuned our signal system & secured our lifeboats, we stand on the bow of our mighty ship & wonder: Why


Community Stands

One of my favorite writers Henri Nouwen says: “Nothing is sweet or easy about Community. Community is a fellowship of people who do not hide their joys and sorrows but make them visible to each other as a gesture of hope.” Can I say it better? Probably not.